Tips On How To Build Online Customer Trust That You Might Have Not Heard Before

Craft Maker Pro » Tips On How To Build Online Customer Trust That You Might Have Not Heard Before

It’s easy to build trust when you have the opportunity to connect with customers in person. You can look into their eyes, read their expressions, and interact at a more personal level. Even on the phone you can listen to a customer’s tone of voice and react accordingly. But, building trust online is a different story; not necessarily more difficult. Just different.

Tips On How To Build Online Customer Trust That You Might Have Not Heard BeforeHere are some customer service tips that you might have not heard before plus their book references:

1. A customer is 4 times more likely to defect to a competitor if the problem is service-related than price- or product-related – Bain & Company.

2. The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60 – 70%. The probability of selling to a new prospect is 5-20% – Marketing Metrics.

3. For every customer complaint there are 26 other unhappy customers who have remained silent –Lee Resource.

4. A 2% increase in customer retention has the same effect as decreasing costs by 10% – Leading on the Edge of Chaos, Emmet Murphy & Mark Murphy.

5. 96% of unhappy customers don’t complain, however 91% of those will simply leave and never come back – 1Financial Training services.

6. A dissatisfied customer will tell between 9-15 people about their experience. Around 13% of dissatisfied customers tell more than 20 people. – White House Office of Consumer Affairs.

7. Happy customers who get their issue resolved tell about 4-6 people about their experience. – White House Office of Consumer Affair.

Here are some tips from customer service expert on ways to build online customer trust by Shep Hyken:

I hope these tips would help you deal with customers in your business. If you have more tips, please let us know in the comments.

Gary Capps
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