3 Things To Consider When Starting An Etsy Shop

Craft Maker Pro » 3 Things To Consider When Starting An Etsy Shop

Are you new onEtsy?Are you looking for advice that will help you get started with Etsy?

3-Things-To-Consider-When-Starting-An-Etsy-ShopPay a lot of attention to your SEO, your photos, and your policies. Those are the 3 best things you can do to make your shop a success, assuming you have unique and desirable items.


SEO will help you get found in Google and it does look at the text of your listing. Therefore you should try to get your most important keyphrases into the listing and create a clear description of your items about what your products are made of as it will help you get found.

In addition, Google doesn’t like duplicate content. So even if you sell lots of very similar items, try to vary the listing text from one to the other. Rephrase things, move things around etc. It doesn’t have to be totally different, you may have some standard sections that are common to all your listings, but try to add variation to at least the basic opening description part of the listing.

Etsy Tags
Etsy uses tags and titles to find your items when people use search so it’s important to learn how to use Etsy tags. When someone searches for something it finds things that have tags and titles that match what was searched for. Simple as that.

People rarely search for single words. They would give too many results. So they use short phrases like “black pearl earrings” rather than just “earrings”. So you should have tags that are also short phrases. In this case the search engine would find all the items that have a tag of “black pearl earrings” and give them priority over things that had those words as separate tags.

An item with the same phrase in the title too will come up higher in the search result than one that just has the matching tag.

For most common words you do not need to worry about plurals in your tags. Etsy sees “cat” and “cats” as the same word, for example. The same goes for US/UK spelling variations. You don’t need to have both “grey heart pendant” and “gray heart pendant” as tag, either will do.

This will work for many words, but you can easily check to see if the word you want to use will be ok. Just do an Etsy search for both variations of the word. If you get the same number of results then you know they are treated as the same by Etsy.


Having quality pictures is a must when you are trying to sell your work on Etsy.When you take your pictures you should always remove any unwanted extras from the shot. If you can’t, then crop your pictures, or edit out distractions in graphics software or an online site like Fotofuze.

Take pictures against a plain background wherever possible. The product is the main subject so make sure that you remove unnecessary things on the background before pressing the shutter. If you have no choice but to take a picture with a busy background, perhaps because it is a larger item, then try learning some photography tricks or use Photoshop to enhance your product photos.

Etsy Store Policy

Many potential customers will hesitate to buy if they do not know how you run your shop. If you are unsure what things to include in your policies, have a look at shops that sell similar things to you. If you are in the European Union also check the “Distance Selling Regulations” as you must include some things from this by law.

Don’t forget to specify your refund policy to help you deal with shipping problems or unsatisfied customers.

That’s it for now.

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Gary Capps
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