Twitter must be one of the most underrated platforms when it comes to marketing handmade businesses.
From using Twitter Cards, Twitter lead generation cards, to using Twitter Chats, the possibilities are endless.
Twitter chats are growing in popularity. Small businesses host weekly sessions, celebrities of all stripes conduct hour-long Q&As for their fans, and hobbyists gather to discuss their passions.
A Twitter chat is where a group of Twitter users meet at a pre-determined time to discuss a certain topic, using a designated hashtag (#) for each tweet contributed. A host or moderator will pose questions (designated with Q1, Q2…) to prompt responses from participants (using A1, A2…) and encourage interaction among the group.
Chats typically last an hour.
Why Participate In A Twitter Chat?
Twitter chats provide a chance to network and grow your circle (and knowledge!) through shared interests. You see it’s a great way to connect with other bloggers or small business owners, to learn something new and to find some great new resources.
The same social customs apply—courtesy and respect—and there are Twitter chats in almost every industry imaginable.
How To Find Twitter Chats?
There are many weekly Twitter Chats that might be of interest to creative business owners. Here are three to get you started.
- #smallbizchat, hosted by @SmallBizLady – This chat for small business owners meets Wednesdays starting at 8 p.m. Eastern.
- #OMHG, hosted by @ohmyhandmade – This chat for makers and creative entrepreneurs meets Thursdays from 1-2 p.m. Eastern. They recommend participating via their Twubs chat room.
- #PinChat, hosted by @Tribe2point0 – This chat is all about Pinterest and meets Wednesdays starting at 9 p.m. Eastern.
It’s alright to sit back at first, but to get the most out of a Twitter Chat, be sure to share your own questions and comments.
If you find that you enjoy participating in Twitter Chats, here are some great places to search for more!
- Chat Salad is a great place to find chats that are currently happening or taking place in the near future.
- Tweet Reports,
- Twubs Twitter Chats Schedule, and
- XOMISSE Twitter Chat Calendar for Bloggers, Designers, and Creatives.
Don’t forget to follow up afterwards by connecting with other participants!
How To Manage Your Twitter Chats?
You may get overwhelmed by the volume of Tweets in the chat, or miss others that get lost in your stream.
- Hootsuite – You can easily participate in Twitter Chats via Hootsuite, too. You can then participate in the chat by typing in new Tweets and watching the rest of the conversation in the stream you added. If you already use Hootsuite, this may be the simplest option.
- TweetChat allows you to participate in Twitter Chats by linking to your Twitter account. Once you log into TweetChat, the hashtag is automatically filled in as you post, and you can view the Twitter Chat stream. You can also check for other Twitter Chats happening at the same time, and switch over.
- Twubs is another Twitter Chat tool. You can sign in directly, or search for a hashtag and then login through your Twitter account.
So use the right hashtags!
Always include the chat hashtag in your tweets. This will ensure your tweets are going to the audience of the chat. If you don’t use the right hashtag, literally no one in the chat will see it.
Also, retweet good responses. Don’t forget to retweet the responses that you find most helpful! This adds value & will help you to network with participants.
If you have questions about Twitter Chats, let us know in the comment box below.
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