5 Ways To Sell Your Handmade Products

Craft Maker Pro » 5 Ways To Sell Your Handmade Products

So, how can you convert visitors into customers?

5-Ways-To-Sell-Your-Handmade-ProductsWe are creatures of habit. American families, on average, buy the same 150 products over and over again, which make up 85 percent of their household needs, according to research out of Harvard Business School.

The trick is helping site visitors overcome their initial hesitation and making your new item speak to customers in a relate-able way.

Here are five ways to immediately sell your handmade products:

1. Excellent Customer Service

Allow you customers to provide real feedback to your social media messages and posts whether it’s good or bad. Sure people will complain via social media about products. When they got a prompt response—even if it wasn’t an actual apology—the majority of customers either removed their negative comment or revised it with a positive addendum. So take a minute to acknowledge what was said; it’s worth your time.

If you can go above and beyond for people, you’ll notice that word-of-mouth recommendations, which greatly influence purchasing decisions, will go up.

Bottom line: Keep your cool and respond to customers promptly.

2. Identify The Problems

Numerous factors can cause new products to fail. Here are four other frequent, and frequently fatal, flaws with its solution.

  1. The business can’t support fast growth. Fix: Have a business plan to ramp up quickly if the product takes off.
  2. The product falls short of claims and gets bashed. Fix: Delay your launch until the product is really ready.
  3. The new item exists in “product limbo”. Fix: Test the product to make sure its differences will sway buyers.
  4. The product is revolutionary, but there’s no market for it. Fix: Don’t gloss over the basic questions “Who will buy this and at what price?”

3. Influence Purchase Decisions

There are many factors that can affect this process as a person works through the purchase decision. The number of potential influences on consumer behavior is limitless. However, top Etsy sellers are well served to understand the KEY influences. One of the easiest things you can influence is customer reviews. By encouraging your existing customers to leave them and by showcasing them on your website, you can increase your conversion rates.

4. Use The Right Words To Attract Customers

Just by changing a word or two or combining a couple of phrases, you can increase your response rate dramatically. Whether it’s your business card, tagline, article title, web site title and description or ad, just the difference of a few words can either pull in prospects and clients or push them away. Learn how to find the right words to attract customers and you will be surprised to see customers come pouring in.

5. Close The Sale With New Opportunities

Once you have closed the sale, you need to work on building brand loyalty to encourage repeat custom. You may consider offering free local delivery, free returns, or running promotional deals. Exclusive special offers to online customers won’t have too big an impact on your bottom line, but can strengthen loyalty and improve customer satisfaction.

Online sales have huge potential in today’s global market, but to be successful you must take advantage of all of the marketing tactics available that is evidence-based like the ones mentioned above.

Gary Capps
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