The 3 Reasons Customers Don’t Buy Your Craft Products

Craft Maker Pro » The 3 Reasons Customers Don’t Buy Your Craft Products

Have you ever wondered why consumers don’t buy your handmade products?

customers-not-buyingGetting people to your online store is one thing; getting them to make a purchase is something else altogether. So let us explore the 3 reasons why people don’t buy your products and find a solution as to how we can fix those problems.

1.Nobody Knows Your Crafts Exists

Obscurity. This is what we all struggle with when we’re getting started, especially if we’re coming into this without an established fan base. I know there are a lot of you out there who feel the product should sell itself, but the truth is we have to work to be found, especially in the beginning.

People can’t buy your soaps, candles, picture frames, woodcraft, etc. if they don’t know they exist. You have to figure out the best marketing tactics that really works and pursue them.

2.Checkout Optimization Problems

Have a think about the things that annoy you when you want to buy something in an online store. Next time you’re ordering a cute ribbon or a scented candle think about how you would improve on someone else’s checkout process.

Is it too confusing, too time-consuming and frustrating? If so, why?

The checkout is, arguably, the most important part of any retail experience, online or offline. You can do what you like to get customers through the door and you can merchandise and market at them on your site, but if your checkout doesn’t let them pay for their goods or services easily, all of your effort is wasted.

60% to 70% of people abandon their carts before completing a transaction.Something is clearly very wrong with that. Here’s how to fix it:

  1. Simplify. At the moment, the average online checkout is a 5 to 6 step process involving multiple data entry and decision points. This should be simplified for visitors. Amazon’s One-Click setup is the best example of a simplified checkout process, and is one that any retailer would do well to follow.
  2. Analyze. The advanced feature of Google Analytics will help you track where your visitors and where they exit. If you see that at a certain stage, your potential customers exit the page before reaching your set Goal, you might want to take a look that page, identify the problem and solve it.
  3. Centralize. The online retail market is crying out for a centralized system where users can use a single login to enter all the relevant details to check out. While something like PayPal removes some of the stages around payment information, such a centralized system could also take into account things like shipping preferences.

The factors that compel a customer to buy are complex and numerous, and so are the factors that influence a decision to buy elsewhere or not at all. Make your visitors stay and lead them where you want them to go.

3. Pricing And Payment Options

Pricing also plays a major role in managing conversion. Prices may be more uncompetitive than imagined. And the challenge is that in e-commerce, pricing is highly competitive. It’s unlikely that, as an operator, your store is the only one selling a particular product, and if you’re not constantly aware of the competitive landscape, it’s entirely possible you’ll be undercut.

Follow the essentials of pricing your handmade products to increase your chances of sales.

Also, it is important for your business to instill confidence in these online shoppers so as to negate any concerns they might have about security (card payments) or the quality of the products they are buying. One of the ways this can be addressed is by offering as many payment options as possible. ‘Cash on delivery’ can still be used for customers that are reluctant to make a payment online if you are willing to do that.

Gary Capps
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