Quick SEO Tips – How To Rank In Google This 2018

Craft Maker Pro » Quick SEO Tips – How To Rank In Google This 2018

Are you wondering what you can do with Google algorithm changes this 2018? Do you want to know how you can make your online store or your Etsy shop appear on the first page of Google?

Quick SEO Tips – How To Rank In Google This 2018.docxThe answer is keyword research!

Okay, keyword research has been discussed many times already and they usually say the same thing over and over again.

It is more complicated to rank on Google today than it was back in the day simple because Google became much smarter.

Now, let me share with you how to do keyword research that works this year:

1. Be Extra Specific

Most online sellers are using generic keywords such as handmade, craft, art.

Of course you can use them, but you will have to wait for 6 months to notice the progress with Google these days, 12 months to see the result, and two years to be crushing it on Google.

You should go after and choose extra specific keywords.

By being specific, anyone who’s interested in that topic or whatever you’re selling related to that topic, people are going to land on your website.

When Google releases an update, they’re going to rank the most content-rich website.

That’s why Wikipedia does well. It’s not just because they have a lot of links or brand queries. It’s because Wikipedia has some of the most detailed articles on the web.

That’s what you need to do with your content and to your product listings… they should answer questions!

2. Check Viral News

You can find fresh and new keyword inspiration by checking viral news and topics.

Whether it’s not related to the handmade community or whether it’s about a popular celebrity

Go after new, upcoming words. You can find them using Google Trends and social media.

Google Trends breaks down what’s hot and what’s up and coming.

You want to go after these keyword terms and see if you can use it with your own products because they’re not that competitive yet.

When you create content around new and trendy keywords, you’re gonna skyrocket to the top way faster than if you went after old terms like “handmade”

3. Ubersuggest

These days people just don’t type in keywords like “handmade soap”

They’ll type in keywords like “the best handmade soap for babies” or “scented candles for insomnia”

These are really popular terms.

Ubersuggest will show you different variations of your primary keyword, and it’ll even show you how competitive they are, how much search volume you’re going to get, and how many people are going to click on your listing if you rank number one, two, or number 10.

Here are other keyword research tools that most people don’t know yet.

4. Check Quora

You can check what’s related to your business by typing keywords on Quora. You will see the most popular questions people are asking.

Having the ability to see your target audience’s questions, you’ll see what these people are trying to find.

When you are selling, having a blog is plus! It is a great way to create answers on your blog that are more thorough, and detailed, making it easier for you to rank. You’re going to rank higher because you can create way more detailed responses than Quora itself.

When you follow these tips, you’ll notice that you’ll start ranking for all the keywords related to your industry.

That’s how you do keyword research in today’s world.

If you want to learn more on how to do keyword research in today’s Google world, check this video by Neil Patel:

I hope you find this post informative. If you have questions, or you want to share your experience please let us know in the comments below.

Gary Capps
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