Is Your Marketing Strategy Still Worth The Effort?

Craft Maker Pro » Is Your Marketing Strategy Still Worth The Effort?

It’s so hard to let go of a strategy when you’ve seen it work before and you put a lot of time and resources into it, right?

Is Your Marketing Strategy Still Worth The EffortIf you are a handmade seller, you might have already developed an engaged potential customers, produced an awesome handmade product, tested a reliable marketing strategy – everything calls for substantially even more time and effort than many people think of.

However, despite exactly how difficult or long they’ve worked for your business, the result is not always the same as it once was.

If they do, you are lucky! (Please share some tips in the comments *wink)

But what if they don’t work anymore?

That’s the time you need to ask yourself: Is this strategy still worth it?

Should we persevere and double down on our dedication or do we reduce our losses and also carry on?

The response is not always evident.

Learning the art of letting go is not easy but knowing when to quit a project or marketing strategy is a must-have skill if you want to be more successful in this niche.

If you’ve ever felt torn between whether you should commit to or let any creative project or marketing strategy, we have some tips for you.

You can try this 3 step system to figure out whether you’re spending too much time on a marketing strategy or whether sticking with it will be rewarding in the long-run.


I hope that quick video helped you in your marketing efforts. If you have tips and ideas about overcoming this stage in your entrepreneurial life, please let us know in the comments.

Gary Capps
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