8 Online Marketing Hacks You’ve Probably Never Tried

Craft Maker Pro » 8 Online Marketing Hacks You’ve Probably Never Tried

Do you want to do something new in your marketing strategies? Do you want to understand your customers better?

8 Online Marketing Hacks You’ve Probably Never TriedThere are a lot of guides to marketing. From manuals to online video tutorials, there really is a wide selection you can choose from. But, I felt that there was something missing — a content that talks about the psychology of online marketing, study the behavior of customers and learn hacks to implement it.

Here are 8 ways you can do to improve your business:

1. Brief Product Descriptions

Most of the time, it is more effective to post short product descriptions compared to long product descriptions especially when you are running paid traffic to the pages. Long descriptions can be distracting for a customer that is in the mood to impulse buy from you.

2. Use Trust Words & Emblems

If you want customers to trust you and your business, include credit card company emblems on your site (only if they are your modes of payment). You can include USPS as ePacket items are delivered via USPS. You can post SSL certificate images (if your site has one installed). And you can highlight certification certificates if the product you’re selling has been approved by one, like the FDA.

3. Sense Of Urgency

You can motivate people to buy what they want from you if you know how to activate their sense of urgency. People love to buy when it’s discounted but they are more likely to give if they see a reason. The reason for this is because it increases the sense of urgency for the customer.

For example, if an item is on sale at 50% off as a special St. Patrick’s sale, then the customer would feel the sense of urgency: they know that when St. Patrick ends, that the sale will disappear – and so it reinforces that they need to act now and not miss out.

4. Words With Emotion

If your product ad and description, use words that will evoke feelings in a customer.
Feeling of getting a great deal:

  1. Limited
  2. Hurry
  3. Slashed
  4. Massive
  5. Bonus

Another good emotion is curiosity:

  1. Special
  2. Surprise
  3. Odd
  4. Bizarre
  5. Trick

And the final emotion to focus on, is the feeling of looking good:

  1. Classy
  2. Regal
  3. Gorgeous

5. Show The Benefits

When writing listing and product descriptions, discuss how this product will benefit the customer’s life instead of talking about the features of a product.

Benefits show the customer how an essential oil or handmade soap would improve their life. If you simply list features, then the customer has to take the time to see how these features will impact them. Do the work for them.

6. Let Them Imagine

Photos/pictures can do more than just show off the product. You can also use them to help the customer imagine themselves using the product – and use them to overcome objections they may have about the product (e.g. have a picture that shows the measurements of the product on it)

7. HD Photos

If you are a buyer, don’t you like it when you can zoom the picture and make sure that there are no imperfections so you have the confidence to buy the product?

Customers like to see finer details of items that they buy and they get more inquisitive when they’re buying online. Having high quality photos will also make your website look more professional – building trust between you and them.

8. Use The Word “FREE”

The tried and true technique of selling items for free + just pay shipping still works great. The word “free” is extremely powerful. This technique has been used for years.

It’s not always suitable for your promos, but if you get a chance to try it, do it and see your conversions increase.

That’s it. I hope these tips help you in improving your business. If you have more tips, please let us know in the comments.

Gary Capps
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