7 Brain Hacks When You’re Tired

Craft Maker Pro » 7 Brain Hacks When You’re Tired

Are you tired from making beautiful stuff? I don’t mean, tired as “done with it”, I mean, do you feel tired and just want to take a nap reducing you daily productivity.

7 Brain Hacks When You’re TiredRecently, I have actually been literally tired at night. Simply plain tired. Yet it’s not like I have actually run a marathon or anything: The majority of days I’ve just done online stuff, between sessions of wall sphere with my dogs, and in between phone calls, blog posts, marketing, copy edits, and also invoicing, which happens just after a short workout and prior to me preparing dinner.

Like lots of people, I have a full work schedule. As for all the versatility I have with just how I invest my time, I wind up using it all. There are few opportunities in my day to take a break.

That’s not an advantage. In fact, the physical fatigue I really feel at the end of the day has more to do with my mental fatigue than any type of workout I’m doing which kind of mental fatigue could creep up on any individual.

Most handmade sellers are busy too that’s why I am talking to you about this matter. Psychological exhaustion isn’t really always the outcome of physical exhaustion, or any type of large issues coming from your customers, etc. (though it could be) but more because of too much of things:

1. Too many choices.
2. Too much work (in insufficient time).
3. Too many disturbances, demands, as well as shifts in focus.
4. Too many points going on without time to stop and recharge.

This kind of psychological exhaustion knocks us when the volume of tasks we’ve taken on exceeds our ability to comfortably deal with the stress and anxiety (also the positive stress) of everything.

So I am sharing with you this video from Buzzfeed about how to deal with stress effectively and I hope that it helps your day as much as it helped mine:

Tiredness may affect your creativity in a negative way but surprisingly there is one approach that will most likely make you surprised. It’s tiredness that makes other people extra innovative.

How about you? How do you deal with tiredness? Please let us know in the comments to help others become more productive and creative.

Gary Capps
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