How To Get 37% More Etsy Sales Using Instagram

Craft Maker Pro » How To Get 37% More Etsy Sales Using Instagram

Effective marketing is not necessarily costly, nor is it rocket science.

how to getWith more than 300 million active users, Instagram has caught the attention of a growing number of brands — both large and small.

So, is Instagram worth the effort for your business? Of course!

It allows you to connect to your customers by sharing a photo of a new product and ask people what they think, or give them a sneak peek of a new project and see if they have any input.

One report from e-commerce platform Shopify found that the average price tag for a sale referred from Instagram is $65, compared to $55 for Facebook and $46 for Twitter.

Using Instagram has really helped a lot of handmade sellers gain a lot of niche sales and clients.

Today, we got some tips from Dakota Deller, owner of DakotaDeller Etsy store.

Here are some tips to help you get more Etsy sales and dream clients by using Instagram:

  1. Decide immediately who your target audience is and focus on that target. Be clear who you want your audience to be – this will help you to find your target clients on Instagram!
  2. Post pictures that are inspiring and engaging. Think strategically about the theme of your work and create an inspirational Instagram feed based on this.
  3. Create conversations by asking users what they think. Share interesting facts/information that your followers will appreciate. Don’t just talk all about yourself and your products only. People love to be heard and love to be part of a collective conversation.
  4. Get to know your followers!! Don’t just say ‘thanks’ to someone when they have made the effort to comment on one of your posts – go check out what they do, and leave a meaningful comment! – This creates a long lasting connection and shows your followers that you are genuine and worth keeping in contact with.
  5. Don’t blatantly push advertising on people. Leave that part for your shop! Allow users to get to know you and build a relationship – this will be much stronger than an advertisement. Intrigue people and the clicks to your shop will follow!
  6. Tags are extremely important. Find out what tags are going to attract your target audience. Once you get your tags correct, you will start to notice that the right clients and followers will find you.
  7. Don’t be obsessed with the number of followers you get!! Having less followers that are genuine engaging followers is more important than having lots of followers who never engage with you.
  8. Be professional and always put your best foot forward. If your Instagram account represents the best parts about you, your brand and your business, focus on that and have a clear goal. Posting pictures of your dinner or a picture of your dog on your bed might be better suited to your personal account for friends and family. – You get the idea.
  9. Make sure you work on your Bio so that it is compelling and interesting. Don’t forget to include your shop link in the Website section so your existing followers and potential new customers know where to find out more about you and what you do!
  10. Creating professional-looking images to promote your products and highlight your services has never been easier or more affordable. As a result, visual platforms like Instagram are doing more than just generating engagement, they are also driving sales.

Instagram is a site that is growing into a permanent position within the big social media giants. As this site gains more traction and more users, the more powerful it will become for handmade businesses and marketers.

The solutions and long term benefits that are provided by Instagram for business are inescapable. Be prepared – if you’re not on Instagram now, you will be in the near future.

Gary Capps
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